Global Providers

we work with all the latest technologies from around the world

Customer support

We are here to be your first line of support when you are facing IT Difficulties

Easy to Reach

A team of professionals are ready and waiting to help you.

We can ensure your IT System is managed well.

Even if your company already has an IT Department, we will be very happy to work with your people to support your in-house skills if specific and challenging technical situations should unexpectedly crop up.


Access Point can also be assigned to take over basic IT support which will free up your key people who can then be depolyed for other tasks more central to your operations.


Time is money and never as much as today has this been more real. This is why no one needs to be distracted away from their job to sort the occasional IT glitch. And frequent calls for support are not only tiresome but can be costly too.


Your people need to concentrate on their job. And you even more too. After all, you’re supposed to deliver solutions and technologies to enhance the business. So it’s not a good use of company money or your brain if you’re tied up with the small stuff.